Tuesday, September 24, 2019

IQ reading presentation

Sign-up for a set of chapters from IQ. Be sure to make a note of the presentation date and chapter numbers you signed up for.

_______________________________                                  _____________________________
Chapter and page numbers                                                      Presentation date
Read the chapters you will be analyzing carefully. You will be presenting your analysis in class along with two to four of your classmates. The class will be counting on you to be on top of the chapters you are covering, so please be prepared!

To prepare your written analysis, answer the questions below for the chapters you are covering.
You may hand in your analysis typed or neatly handwritten (but you must upload your analysis to Canvas). Please double-space!

3.     This novel has been praised for its vivid characterization of a wide variety of characters. Choose a minor character (not Isaiah, Dodson, or Marcus) from your chapters and identify some of the important details the author uses to characterize him or her. Explain how the details you chose help bring the character to life.
4.    Discuss a scene in which Isaiah uses his brain to figure something out. Breakdown Isaiah’s use of careful observation and logical reasoning
5.    What are the themes (the central idea or ideas) that the chapters explore? Remember, a theme is more than a topic (e.g. love, death, family, etc.). Think of a theme as a general observation or truth that is revealed about a topic, such as “Love makes us behave irrationally.” Briefly explain how each theme is realized (1-2 sentences per theme).
6.    Choose a significant quote. Copy the quote and cite it. Explain what you think it means and why you think it is significant.

 You will be graded primarily on the quality of your written analysis, although outstanding presentations will be rewarded. You will not be penalized for giving a poor presentation, but you must present your analysis! No written analyses will be accepted without a presentation. If you are absent or unprepared on the day your presentation is scheduled, you will receive a zero for the assignment with no possibility of making it up.

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