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Essay how-to

How to Write My Division or Analysis Essay
Alison O'Neil Updated July 20, 2017
            No matter how much you know and how many good ideas you have, you will only get a really good grade when you know how to write a good essay. Division or analysis essays break a big idea down into smaller parts. They are commonly used in high school and college, particularly as part of literature courses. Once you understand the basic structure of this kind of essay, writing them will become much easier.
            Create a thesis for your essay. This is the idea you will break apart and analyze. Do not make your thesis too complicated. You should be able to write it in one sentence.
            Plan your essay. For a division or analysis essay, you should be able to divide your idea into smaller parts and analyze each one. Each part should relate to your central thesis and support the point that you will argue throughout the essay.
            Write your introduction. This should be only a few sentences long and must contain your thesis. If you are writing about a piece of literature, include the title and the name of the author. Provide an outline of the kinds of information you will use to support your argument. Your introduction should act like a signpost, explaining to the reader the direction your essay will take.
            Write the main body of your essay. Each paragraph will develop one of the points that supports the thesis. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence stating the idea you will cover. Provide evidence and explanation to support your point, and analyze in detail. In the final sentence of the paragraph, link the point to your thesis sentence.
            Support your ideas with quotes from the text if you are completing a literary analysis. Secondary sources may also be required. Check with your teacher to find out what he expects.
            Write your conclusion. This should summarize your ideas and convince the reader that your argument is right. Re-iterate your thesis and avoid including any new information in your conclusion.

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         Complete a draft of your essay. Read it through for errors and to ensure you have kept to the right structure.
         Assume the reader has some prior knowledge. Avoid writing an essay that narrates events; focus on analysis.


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